Style Falls Your Way, Always.
Devinder Kathuria of Pasand Plywood Private Limited, India had a pre-existing brand in the plywood industry with the name of Woodline. In 2020 they approached Tiepograph to help them with brand naming of their new luxury segment of doors, laminates, and plywood.
We did not want to make another descriptive brand name for the client, yet have a sound that was simple to pronounce and easy to remember. This is a combination of words Tu and Vio. Tu means You in the French language and Vio means Way in Latin. The style falls your way, always. The brand name turned out to be highly remarkable after the feedback taken through the customers.
With Tuvio we did not want to restrict the brand to just the wood and interior industry but give freedom to venture even into home decor and possibly electronics. Even checkout our other project on plywood brand naming.
Naming a luxury wood and plywood collection